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Upcoming Events


Thursday, October 1st.

Hear me speak Bob Schmidt an the audience of Today's Talk 1490. We are kick starting National Bully Awareness Prevention Month today!  Listen to why I chose to write from the Bully's point of view.   


Thursday, September 17th. 

Hear me speak to the audience of News Radio 570 live on podcast at  We will be discussing Charlie's Birthday Wish and the topic of bullying in our schools and how we can help.  


October 24 10:00 am -2 pm.

Book sigining at Christian County Library ~Local Author Fair



**I have visited many local schools and talked with their students about how to be ambassadors against bullying in their school and communities.  The conversation is initiated by a reading of my book, Charlie's Birthday Wish.


**I also do programs for libraries.  There I lead a discussion with children of all ages about how to be a good friend, identifying bully-type behaviors, and offer tips on how to protect themselves and friends from bullying.  The conversation is initiated by a reading of my book, Charlie's Birthday Wish.  

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